A New Book About the Mooneys: “When Two Loves Collide”

When Two Loves Collide When Two Loves Collide, the story of how Dr. Al Mooney’s parents, Dot and John Mooney, fought addiction and alcoholism and went on to found Willingway Hospital, was released in April 2013.

From the cover: Passion and addiction devastate the lives of a heroic surgeon and his wife until a prison miracle restores their love and faith. 

Author William G. Borchert is an Emmy nominated screenwriter who wrote the movies “My Name Is Bill W.,” starring James Garner and James Woods, and “When Love Is Not Enough,” starring Winona Ryder and Barry Pepper. He has also written a number of books, including The Lois Wilson Story: When Love Is Not Enough.

What others are saying… “There are few people in the recovery movement who have done more to help alcoholics and drug addicts than Dr. John Mooney and his lovely wife, Dot Mooney. After finding sobriety for Read more...