On the Radio! Dr. Mooney and Catherine Dold on WGN Radio in Chicago

Dr. Mooney and Catherine Dold recently had a great talk with Rick Kogan on his WGN Radio (Chicago) show, After Hours With Rick Kogan.

Rick chatted with us for 45 minutes about the face of addiction today, the gift of recovery, and what’s in The Recovery Book. He called it a “remarkable book that could probably save your life.”





The Recovery Book

How to Clean Up Your Online Reputation

If you’re like many people, you live a good portion of your life online. You’ve been sharing bits of yourself on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, and other online venues for years. If you’ve been drinking and doing drugs, some of what you and others have shared about you may be less than flattering.

Now that you are getting into recovery and a life of sobriety, you might want to get rid of some of that evidence of your past life. You also need to get rid of any photos or comments (or online friends) that could act as a trigger and potentially lead you to a relapse.Twitter_logo_blue

Do this cleanup for yourself, so you can avoid running into reminders of your past and can concentrate on where you are now. Do it also so you can project a better image for future employers and others. (You might want to do some Read more...

West Coast Book Launch ~ at the NAADAC Conference

West coast launch of The Recovery Book – done!

Dr. Al Mooney and Catherine Dold recently attended the NAADAC annual conference for addiction professionals in Seattle, signing and giving away more than 400 copies of The Recovery Book.

Dr. Mooney also sat down for a chat with Recovery Coast to Coast radio host Neil Scott, who called The Recovery Book the “Bible of recovery.”  Listen to Neil Scott’s interview with Dr. Mooney:

  Many thanks to Carol Lind Mooney and Recovery Houses Services for sponsoring The Recovery Book at their exhibit booth.

                    The Recovery Book