Launching The Recovery Book at Cape Cod

Our first official book event was a signing at the Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders, held September 10-13 in Hyannis, MA. It was a huge success!

Dr. Mooney signed 600 copies of the book for the addiction professionals who were attending the conference; at one point we had 40-50 people lined up to get a copy.

Many thanks to Willingway for sponsoring the book signing at their exhibit booth.

Al J. Mooney, MD (seated), Catherine Dold, Jimmy Mooney

Al J. Mooney, MD (seated), Catherine Dold, Jimmy Mooney

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The Recovery Book is here!

Today is the official release of The Recovery Book! Coauthors Al J. Mooney, MD, Catherine Dold and Howard Eisenberg all hope that it helps many people find a lifetime of sobriety and peace.

From Workman Publishing:The Recovery Book

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Noreen Herits, (212) 614-7775 /

A classic. Read it. Use it. It can help guide you step by step into the bright light of the world of recovery.”   —from the Foreword by Harry Haroutunian, M.D., Physician Director, Betty Ford Center

Hope, support, and a clear road map for the more than 23 million Americans with substance addiction

THE RECOVERY BOOK Answers to All Your Questions about Addiction and Alcoholism and Finding Health and Happiness in Sobriety By Al J. Mooney, M.D., Catherine Dold, and Howard Eisenberg

Many people are now finally recognizing that addiction to alcohol and other drugs is a terrible disease. Heroin and prescription Read more...

Heal Your Brain with TAMERS

We know so much more these days about the brain and how addiction affects it—and about how we can help it to heal.

Addiction doesn’t happen because someone is lazy or is a “bad person.” It’s a brain disease, pure and simple. In some people, repeated use of alcohol or other drugs causes profound structural and functional changes to the brain. The need for drugs becomes a compulsion that can’t be ignored; it is as ingrained in the brain as breathing or looking for food. Plus, the frontal lobe, the executive brain, is damaged and is no longer able to override those impulses with rational thoughts.

We used to think that the brain was set in stone once a person was grown. We now know that’s not true. In fact, the brain can grow and change at all ages, a concept known as neuroplasticity. When the brain changes for the Read more...

The Recovery Zone System – New in The Recovery Book

The new Recovery Zone System is the “backbone” of the new second edition of The Recovery Book.

Over many years of treating alcoholics and addicts, Dr. Al saw that two issues were messing up recovery for many people:

  • One, people in early recovery often had no idea how much time and energy they would have to focus on recovery activities.
  • Two, people with many years of recovery sometimes lost their focus on these activities as the years passed.

Both of these situations, he saw, all too often led to a downward spiral that put people at high risk of relapse. So he developed the The Recovery Zone System (pdf chart).

The Recovery Zone System is a road map for a life in recovery. It gives clear guidelines on when and how a person in recovery can address various areas of life—treatment, fellowship activities, relationships, education, career, finances, recreation, and Read more...

The Recovery Book: Get It September 9th!

The second edition of The Recovery Book will be available for sale September 9th. Dr. Al J. Mooney will be signing books and speaking at a number of events.

First up is the Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders, September 11-14, 2014, in Hyannis, MA. Dr. Mooney will be signing books in the exhibit hall, at the Willingway booth (#64) on September 12 and 13.

If you’re going to the conference, stop by and get a free signed copy of The Recovery Book! CapeCodSigningAd              















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